During the beginning of the series, the TV show was mostly based on the storyline in the comic books. As the show progressed, more and more episodes became anime-original.In Japanese, certain set phrases almost always accompany certain actions; many of these phrases have standard responses.

Labi Xiaoxin
A little boy

During the beginning of the series, the TV show was mostly based on the storyline in the comic books. As the show progressed, more and more episodes became anime-original.In Japanese, certain set phrases almost always accompany certain actions; many of these phrases have standard responses.

Labi Xiaoxin
A little boy

During the beginning of the series, the TV show was mostly based on the storyline in the comic books. As the show progressed, more and more episodes became anime-original.In Japanese, certain set phrases almost always accompany certain actions; many of these phrases have standard responses.

Labi Xiaoxin
A little boy